- Aegis wielder
- Her symbol is the owl
- Dedicatee of the Parthenon
- Figure on the Great Seal of California
- Goddess born fully armed
- Medusa's transformer
- Goddess born from Zeus's head
- Goddess who sprang from Zeus's head
- The Parthenon's goddess
- Goddess who sprang fully grown from Zeus's head
- Virginal goddess
- Parthenon honoree
- Major character in the "God of War" video game series
- Supposed wearer of Gorgon skin
- Minerva's Greek counterpart
- Minerva, on the Acropolis
- Odysseus's protector
- She sprang from the head of Zeus
- Goddess who turned Arachne into a spider
- Zeus' daughter
- Wise Olympian
- Greek Minerva
- She sprang from Zeus's head
- Goddess who aided Odysseus
- Goddess whose companion was an owl
- Goddess who sided with the Greeks during the Trojan War
- Motherless child of Zeus
- Goddess who turned Medusa's hair to snakes
- Goddess who's etymologically very close to a major city where she was worshipped
- Minerva, to the Greeks
- Pallas
- In some renderings, she holds Nike in her palm
- Goddess with a European capital named for her
- Goddess who advised Odysseus
- Parthenon dedicatee
- Goddess whom Arachne challenged to a weaving contest
- She turned Arachne into a spider
- Goddess who oversaw the Argo's construction
- Goddess challenged by Arachne to a weaving contest
- Zeus's favorite child
- Goddess with a pet owl
- Aegis carrier
- Wise Greek goddess
- Minerva alias
- Odysseus' advisor
- Wise advisor of Odysseus
- Apt deific statue at Bryn Mawr
- Advisor to Odysseus
- Goddess symbolized by an owl
- Subject of a Phidias sculpture
- Alalcomeneus reared her
- Creator of The Olive Tree: Greek myth.
- Creator of the olive tree.
- Friend of Ulysses.
- Minerva.
- Brain-child of Zeus.
- She wears the aegis.
- Goddess of the Parthenon.
- Inhabitant of Olympus.
- Ditto 41 Across.
- Greek goddess.
- See 14 Down.
- Olympian patron of arts.
- Inspirer of the Parthenon.
- Olympic goddess.
- Phidias' masterpiece, ___ Parthenos.
- Statue by Phidias.
- Mythical creator of the olive tree.
- Major Greek deity.
- Mythological personage.
- Olympian goddess.
- Goddess.
- Olympian.
- Phidias statue
- Child of Zeus
- She sprang full-grown from Zeus's forehead
- Pallas ___
- Minerva, to Plato
- Springer from Zeus's head
- Adviser to Odysseus
- Product of Zeus's head
- She helped Perseus
- ___ Nike (Acropolis temple)
- In Rome, she was Minerva
- She sprang from a head
- The Parthenon's raison d'être
- Zeus's head goddess
- Odysseus's adviser
- To whom the Parthenon was dedicated
- Odysseus's advisor
- Acropolis figure
- Parthenon sculpture
- Guardian for Odysseus
- Phidias subject
- Goddess of wisdom and war
- Zeus' favorite child
- Classical symbol of wisdom
- Armored Greek goddess
- Favorite daughter of Zeus
- Deity featured on California's state seal
- Aegis bearer
- Statue in the Parthenon
- Half sister of Ares
- Subject of a massive statue in the ancient Parthenon
- Eponym of a European capital
- Her helmet is shown on West Point's coat of arms
- She taught Prometheus many arts
- Figure on many ancient Greek coins
- Symbol of wisdom
- Goddess usually pictured with a helmet
- Goddess who lent her name to the capital of Greece
- Mythical figure associated with snakes
- To whom the Parthenon is dedicated
- Who turned Medusa's hair to serpents, per Ovid
- Goddess who sprang from her father's head
- She created the olive tree, in myth
- She turned Arachne into a spider after losing a weaving contest
- To whom the Greeks dedicated the Parthenon
- Goddess who helped Perseus defeat Medusa
- A nearly 40-foot-tall statue of her once stood within the Parthenon
- She turned Medusa's hair into snakes
- Goddess for whom a European capital is named
- Goddess with an owl
- She's a deity of wisdom
- Wisdom deity
- '82 Who hit off "It's Hard"
- '82 Who song off "It's Hard"
- Chariot inventor, per Greek myth
- Legendary flute inventor
- Greek goddess who inspired Angelina Jolie's "Eternals" character
- Parthenon dedicatee, in 438 B.C.
- Greek counterpart of Minerva
- Goddess of war
- Goddess who helped Odysseus
- Goddess worshipped on the Acropolis
- Goddess after whom Greece's capital is named
- Motherless offspring of Zeus
- Favorite child of Zeus
- Greek goddess born armed for battle
- The Parthenon is dedicated to her
- Daughter born from Zeus' forehead
- Goddess associated with the capital of Greece
- Zeus' daughter who was born from his head
- She holds Medusa's head
- Zeus's headache
- Parthenon patron
- Greeks' Minerva
- Supervisor of the construction of the Argo
- Judgment of Paris loser
- Goddess with the mechanical owl Bubo in "Clash of the Titans"
- Flashing-eyed goddess in "The Odyssey"
- Armored goddess
- Helper of Perseus
- Protector of Odysseus
- Goddess often depicted in armor
- The owl was her mascot
- Wise daughter of Zeus
- Acropolis honoree
- Helper of Heracles
- Zeus's favorite
- Judgment of Paris contender
- Parthenon goddess
- Goddess of the practical arts
- Goddess of wisdom
- Greek goddess of wisdom
- Daughter of Zeus
- Minerva's counterpart
- God whom Greece's capital is named after
- Judgment of Paris goddess
- Parthenon figure